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Podcast – The Playbook – Career Hack Next: Valuegraphics

podcast Feb 03, 2023
Podcast - The Playbook - Career Hack Next - Valuegraphics


Hoo boy -- this is a GOOOOOOOOD one.


We met with Valuegraphics superstar David Allison to talk about the role values play in life and work. It's so good -- it takes up an ENTIRE episode.


Segment 01 - Valuegraphics with David Allison.

We hit the ground running with some mind expanding ideas about our values and how they impact our decision making.


Segment 02 — How David understands our values.

Our epic, episode-long conversation continues with an understanding of how David is collecting literally millions of datapoints to understand our values.


Segment 03 — How to use values and Valuegraphics.

David fills the third segment with some many ideas, your brain just might burst from all the insights. (Also — Jason makes David almost cry).


Segment 04 — Jenn and Jason recover.

What did we learn? Why is this important? What are we taking away from this episode — and how do you use it.


Learn more!

Follow Jason Thomson and Jenn Glynn on LinkedIn for more insights — and to book a live episode of The Playbook for your organization.