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Podcast - The Playbook - How to fix the biggest problem in presentations with Andy Churchill

podcast Nov 08, 2023
Podcast - The Playbook with Andy Churchill

I'm not going to sugar coat it – your presentation is probably bad.

Selfish. Boring. And dear goodness, that PowerPoint.

Luckily, you have two passionate (and mildly angry) people to help out. On this week’s Playbook, Andy Churchill and I are fixing your presentation!

Segment 01 – The Problem

I’ve been tapped to give a presentation at an upcoming conference. I have to talk about a new technology system we’re implementing. I just did a rehearsal in front of my boss, and she said that my presentation was – quote – “too focused on my perspective.” I have no idea what that means! (P.S. She also said that my slides were a mess!).

Segment 02 – The #1 Issue with Presentations

It’s not your deck (we’re getting to that).

Segment 03 – Why Be Boring?

How to use this million dollar question to be meaningful, interesting, relevant and valuable.

Segment 04 – Fix Your Deck

Andy and I talk about the unique ways we build better PowerPoint – because it can be a SUPER helpful tool for you, if you use it the right way.


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